Friday, March 28, 2014

Of Colonial Williamsburg & Pocahontas' Wedding Dress.

Back in December The Margret Hunter Shop of Colonial Williamsburg had posted about a volunteer opportunity to volunteer for The Pocahontas Project, and thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to visit my very dearly beloved Colonial Williamsburg, for what is most likely to be my last time before going overseas for a year. My heart could not say goodbye to American soil without saying goodbye to Williamsburg and the piece of my heart that resides there.
But December was such a flurry of activity, I really didn't think that it was possible at all!!! However, the project never left my mind and I decided to follow up and see if there was still space to volunteer. There was! So I asked for my little kit to see if my skills could possibly qualify me for assisting.

I was thrilled when it arrive in the mail, and my doubts if I should REALLY being doing this flew away when I saw what I was supposed to embroider. A raven. Which was so fitting for having just published Captive of Raven Castle, it was just one of those little signals that this was a YES.

My only terror, was taking this little darling raven...

And making him look like THIS.

Sure, I've done some cross stitch and embroidery before and have been getting more adventurous (see this unfinished pretty?)

But something that detailed? Scared me. 

However, I took up my needle and ventured forth and this was my final result....

I sent in my little raven and waited to hear from them.
Then came the fateful phone call. I COULD GO!!!! (insert much happiness and almost bridled giddiness.) Plan were laid out, however the car rental (because shocking wonders of wonders I was going all by MYSELF,) that we thought we had reserved for me...turned out wasn't reserved. The cost of the car itself ate up my tiny travel budget, leaving no room for hotel, food or anything else. 
The door seemed slammed in my face, except for one last possibility.
I messaged a friend who I knew I wanted to see while I was in V.A. to see if she would be willing to perhaps house and drive me...
The answer was YES, and though she wouldn't be able to drive me everyday because...she was actually working a few hours away and staying there, I could stay at her apartment, and walk the 20-30 minute walk to where I would volunteer at Colonial Williamsburg Costume Design Center. So my tiny budget was restored to me and I was whizzing off to V.A.

I arrived in Newport News airport...super early because of some minor details that went askew, I realized that I would be sitting at the airport for about 10 hours. After 2 hours of listening to the same things over and over and over again, and realizing how dull this time was going drag by. That and I could hear the fife and drum corps playing in my head and was dying to be in Colonial Williamsburg. After talking to my Mom over the phone, she encouraged me to see if I could rent a car for the few hours that I would have to wait for my ride. So I did.
I rented a car.
A little sapphire blue beauty.

With bare bones directions I ventured out into the unknown. I had never been to Newport News before, and certainly had no idea what I was doing, but I went anyway.

And was it worth it!!!
Once I arrived at CW, I started scouring the streets and shops for familiar faces, and at last came upon someone we had met last September and had a lovely long chat with her.
Gov. Palace

The Court House

Fife and Drum Corps

More fife and drum corps with troops

Much to my delight, my Hero...the Marquis de Lafayette came charging on the field to urge the troops onto victory! HUZZAH!!!!!

I managed to talk with the fabulously wonderful Mr. S (the incredible man who portrays the Marquis more than brilliantly.) He gave me a few words of encouragement, that I more than needed as I turned back to the airport.
Somehow I became a little more....than what seemed to be the wrong side of town. However I made it back, sorted out some horrible problem with the rental car company, and was found by my friend who whisked me away from traumatizing experiences and for a late night of chatting. The next day, we spend time together of all random sorts, including a visit to Age Croft (which everyone around there pronounces H Croft, I kid thee not, it took me forever to figure out how to find it with google. Age, not H.) But, it was like stepping back into England and was very lovely and educational.

Sunday came, and after a devotion time...I struck out for the lovely streets of Williamsburg.
I was intending only to attend part of one program as not to miss Lafayette speak, however it became so engaging I rather lost track of the time, until it was too late. I was hoping to catch him once again on Monday, but due to snow that blew in after a perfectly GORGEOUS day, I missed him again too (though I stubbornly walked to the house on Monday, simply always pays to be hopeful.)
The weather was perfect, so I splurged and took a carriage ride with the lovely driver Kate, (and Mr. S. had informed me that the Queen of England also sat in this carriage, and the Rockefeller's, so it was extra special.)
 One of the lovely horses whose name I can't remember but they were so pretty, I really miss the carriage lessons I was talking earlier this summer. They were so much fun. I also miss the pretty horses Draga and Julia...and spicy little Prince and Pepper.

Then I spent the day roaming about some more, meeting Mr. Madison and Rev. Andrews, who were so kind as to talk to me for a lengthy 45 which I promptly forget very drop of Madison history I have ever known. But they were extremely kind, and as lonely as I was feeling, they made me feel so welcome and at home (I seriously adopted all of the CW cast members as my family that week, I feel so at home when I visit CW.) Mr. Madison, can also quote poetry like no one else I have ever met, apparently he used to write some in his college days.

However to get to the POINT of all this rambling! The Pocahontas Wedding Jacket. All the credit goes to Preservation Virginia. Mr. Hammond of the CDC however drew all of these and it is stunning work.
The little dear, strawberry leaves, butterfly, and five petaled flower were embroidered by moi,
as well as all of the outlining and details and little flowers
 along that line, save for the one on the far left and the musical note like detail.
The bunny (Christened Thumper to go with my Bambi.)
It took me over 18 hour to complete all of that lovely work, and was so worth volunteering for.

here is a completed panel.

It is going to be an amazing jacket, and a beautiful wedding.

Awesome Podcast about the project if you are wondering how they decided on what to put on the jacket etc.

My trip ended just as it has begun...with the Fife and Drum Corps, and Lafayette rousing the troops, cheering along side wonderfully marvelous Mrs. Randolph. It was storybook like in it's beginning and ending, it was with the dearest fondness in my heart that I said goodbye to my Colonial family and flew back to my real one.

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